  • q8u4av6ajfoy cn1874qhsdzt laxa289msq3t
  • November 06, 2017 at 05:13 PM

Ana Carolina Pereira da Fonseca
Teacher: Débora Corrêa
Colégio: Sesi Sete Lagoas

Option A

One trip that marked me a lot was when I went to Diamantina, Minas Gerais. So I decided to tell a little of my journey in one of the most important historical cities of the region.
My mother grew up in Diamantina, but had never traveled there before. When we went, we visited very old churches and museums, which provided us with more information about the past of the city and Minas Gerais. Besides the historical places, I also visited some maternal relatives, met immense waterfalls and parks with wonderful swimming pools.
This trip was very important for me because, in addition to learning more, I enjoyed myself and saw people I had many and many miss ..