  • 15fxnvgnkcc9 39j9sjzm47e6 dtgufv40quqt
  • 06 de novembro de 2017 às 17:52

Pedro Vitório Alves Falcão
Teacher: Débora Corrêa
Colégio Sesi Sete Lagoas

Option A

I'm going to travel to my farm located in the city of Jequitibá, Minas Gerais. I'm going there Wednesday afternoon after school. Let's go by car, my father, my brother, my mother and me. To get there we take about 50 minutes. Arriving there I will help my father to take care of the plants and animals and watch over our site. On Thursday until Saturday I play with my friends. We will play football, shuttlecock, ping pong, volleyball, basketball, handbooll, burned, no pula jumps, cycling and horse riding, we will also play in the geek. I'm going to have a birthday on Sunday and I'm leaving in the afternoon.