  • vx36ylofwrx3 40vmoelr54fv n402ge0egam9
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 20:32


In the future there will be the cure for a lot of diseases. There will be flying cars and I hope the violence will decrease and the people will live in peace. I also hope the differences will finish, principally racial and social.

8:32 PM - March 1
3 Retweets 10 Likes

  • Felipe RibeiroNobre
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 19:23

Felipe Ribeiro Nobre

In the future I believe that the technologies will help people in curing rare diseases, recovering movement for those suffering from paralysis, in safety and facial recognition, among others. Everything from a qualified study.


  • Gustavo De Paula
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 13:44


In the future, we will use sustainable technologies to preserve the nature that remains, in addition to harming our animals and natural environments, important in our development history.


  • 4w39v3ldvdiz tw0mu4laoxln fpnzhigb4lsz
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 13:06

After 30 years, I imagine that they have already discovered the cure for various diseases, and that the human being is going to live on other planets, like Mars, but for all this to happen, we must stop polluting and be sustainable with the planet #Takethecure #Gotospace #Stoppollution

  • q3ncz33mnmva ixbrarh6lotr e51g5vit270k
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 12:56


I imagine that in the future technologies will be more advanced.
There will probably be more cures for diseases and more machines doing human work.
I will definitely like in the technologys will be diferente in the future to change different areas. And you, what do you think?#Technologys #Future #Differentareasintechnology