  • Ana Luiza Nanni Oliveira da Silva
  • 28 de março de 2020 às 19:40

Hi,my name is Ana Luiza and my my nick name is luiza . My nationality is Brazilian . My age is 11 . My best friends are alanis, Tatiana, Catarina, Laura, Ana luzia and Ana Clara . My hobbies are dance, sing, use TikTok and use YouTube . My favourite sport is basketball and my favourite colours are black, white, yellow and blue.

  • Murilo Henrique
  • 01 de março de 2020 às 19:07

I hope that in about 50 years, that we will have already discovered lives other than human life, that we will have already discovered how to make cars flew and jetpeck and much more. However, as our planet is going, it is likely that in about 10 or 15 years we will already be fighting over drinking water, oil and even territorial space because the volume of the sea is rising, so cities and even countries that exist today will disappear, this is the my main opinion of the future.

#opinion #future